Hello Everyone,
GCC Waterloo will be holding its first Case Competition, OPTIMIZE, which has a unique focus on global themes in business, risk and globalization. OPTIMIZE will take place on 
November 14th from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM at EV3 Rooms 1408, 3412, 4408, and 4412 and is open to all Ontario post-secondary students.
Teams will be receiving the case and instructions on November 8th, 2015. Each team must provide a completed PowerPoint presentation by November 11th, 2015. The prizes for the competition will be announced soon!
There will also be a career fair & networking session at the end of the case competition so don’t miss out!
To register, please fill in the following form:https://optimizegccwaterloo.typeform.com/to/qlHos8

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1619418314979053

We hope to see you there,
GCC Waterloo Exec Team