[Dd2015] UWMCC's Data Science in Consulting Event

Math Business mathbus at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 27 16:08:19 EST 2021

Introducing UWMCC's Data Science in Consulting event! With the ever-growing importance of data, consulting firms are increasingly leveraging data scientists on a variety of projects in diverse fields. Our panelists will talk about their own experiences, while also offering a chance to compare them against similar roles in big tech or traditional consulting jobs. Speakers in attendance have experience at BCG GAMMA, KPMG Lighthouse, Google, and Oliver Wyman.

To sign up, visit the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdeCorj8iGNCC1MuHmyNJ_pwcv2izF_AP

Thank you very much, and let us know if there are any questions or concerns!

Kind regards,


Torry Chen
Jawad Khandoker
Co-Presidents - Winter 2021
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