Bridges Aalto 2021
Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Aalto University & University of Helsinki
Helsinki and Espoo, Finland

Conference: 2–6 August, 2021

Bridges Aalto 2021 will feature talks and artworks presenting the newest ideas in mathematics and the arts from experts around the world, including regular and short papers, invited talks, hands-on workshops, a visual art exhibition, a short film festival, a public day, several performance events related to mathematics and art, and an excursion. 

At present, we are hoping that it will be possible to hold Bridges 2021 as an in-person event in Finland. We are making every effort to plan for this outcome. However, it is difficult to predict whether an in-person event will be possible in August. If necessary, we will hold a virtual conference, as we did in 2020.


Our call for submissions page is available, with calls for regular papers, short papers, workshop papers, artworks, short films, and fashion. The deadline for submitting regular papers is 1 February, We look forward to receiving your submissions!

We hope we can see you face-to-face in Finland in August!
The Bridges Organization